Recipe of the week: Harissa spiced beans with roasted veg and feta

Harissa spiced beans with roasted veg

Beans on toast is likely a familiar dish for most children and whilst I do enjoy that regularly for breakfast or lunch, it is nice to ring the changes and make the dish more interesting. 

This recipe for harissa spiced beans is a more ‘grown up’ version of beans on toast using harissa and feta and made more substantial with some added roast vegetables.  

How do I make this work for the whole family? I would serve all the component parts of the meal separately, I’d have some cheddar on the table as well as the feta, I would ensure there are vegetables included amongst the roasted ones which are liked, adding some raw veg sticks if necessary, I would put out nuts or seeds for them to sprinkle on and, depending on the mood and tiredness levels of my youngest, I would consider heating up some plain baked beans too.