Tip: Helping your child eat well this Christmas

Smiling at Christmas

Christmas is a special time but there is also a lot of focus on food. As a child that can be challenging and as a parent, it can be even more stressful than normal.

Meals out with friends, large family gatherings at home, dinners at other people’s houses, not to mention the change in routines, the extreme excitement as well as all the different and unfamiliar foods on offer. That’s a lot for a little one to cope with.

Here’s how you can help your child feel more comfortable around Christmas food and help yourself to enjoy this special season:

1. No surprises. Talk about and look at the foods that will be on offer over Christmas so they’ll know what to expect. Try and include some of them in your meals over the next few weeks so they have time to get used to seeing them and they may be open to exploring some of them by Christmas.

2. Safe foods. Have foods you know they like available at every meal, even if you don’t think they go with the meal. Take them with you to other people’s houses too. Include some meals that they enjoy in between the traditional festive feasts.

3. Magic words. Remember to let them know, “You don’t have to eat it.” Encourage them to try but don’t force them to eat.

4. Snacks. Have plenty of nutritious snacks, made up as mini meals, available for when they need them and allow them to eat when hungry.

5. It’s a few days. Routine often goes out of the window at Christmas and things will improve once all the buzz over Christmas is over. Don’t stress, stay calm and don’t worry about what they are or aren’t eating over Christmas so you can both enjoy it. And that’s what it’s all about isn’t it? Having fun.

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