“Just how big is your freezer?”

Sarah freezer diving

Whilst discussing ways to reduce food waste, someone asked me the other day “Just how big is your freezer?” So, I thought I’d come clean and share with you all that I have a chest freezer.

Every day, I am grateful for my freezer (and to my husband who goes diving into it on a daily basis for me!). For years, I wanted a chest freezer and when we moved into our current house, it was one of the first things I measured up and found space for.

It’s so useful not only for storing leftovers, batch cooks and the like but also in helping me reduce how often I shop and allowing me to bulk buy when it is more economical to do so.

I know I bang on a lot about freezing and buying frozen, because it is one of the best weapons with which to fight food waste, get organised and make efficient use of your time and energy in the kitchen, but I do appreciate not everyone has the large amount of freezer space I do. I share the multitude of tips to give you ideas and so that you can do as much or as little as your space allows. Every little bit helps.

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