Tip: Big shops

Following on from yesterday’s post about avoiding too many trips to the supermarket, my tip today is to plan regular big shops.

Keep a list on your phone, on a board in your kitchen or on a piece of paper by the calendar, of staples that are running low or that you’ve used up (frozen peas, tins of beans, dried lentils, rice, pasta, flour, tinned tomatoes, halloumi etc.).

These bulky and long-lasting store cupboard items (as well as household goods) can be bought at intervals (monthly might work well for you? I go two or three months as I have plenty of storage space) to keep you well stocked. Like me, you might choose to have these delivered to make life even easier.

If you have the freezer space, and eat meat and fish, have a look for local butchers and fishmongers that supply boxes.

Now, your weekly shops can be really speedy since all you need to pick up are fresh goods. I make the experience even more pleasant by popping up the road to my local fruit and veg shop. There’s always someone to have a chat to whilst I’m there! You could, of course, eliminate that trip too by signing up to a box scheme!

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