My star ingredient: Frozen spinach

If a bag of spinach isn’t in your freezer, it should be. You’re missing out!
Keep fresh spinach for salads and make use of frozen spinach in your cooking. A bag of fresh spinach will cook down to nothing yet frozen spinach gives you bulk and will save you a fortune. Plus, there’s less likely to be any waste since you can use just what you need when you need it.
You can grab a cube or two as you need them or throw a huge handful into whatever you’re cooking. Defrost for a minute or so in the microwave or add to a dish towards the end of cooking and it will keep its vibrant green colour.
I add a cube to my scrambled egg in the morning, use a couple in leftover dhal, throw some into a soup, stew or curry and stir a few through a pasta sauce or rice dish.
I’d never get away with serving fresh spinach to my children (or my husband – when quizzed by H what his least favourite vegetable is, the answer was spinach!) but used in these ways I can get away with upping their iron intake!

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