Tip: Eating family-style

This week, over on Heather Keats Health and Fitness Facebook group, Halt the Hustle, I’ve been running a five day focus challenge with her.

Each month, Heather runs a different challenge, all based around getting time back in your day for you, correcting your sleep routines, challenging your late night snacking habits and other small changes you can make that will lead to a more productive and connected you.

This month, we’re looking at creating healthier, happier and stress-free family mealtimes. We’ve picked just one of my tips from my live last week, serving meals family-style, and each day the mums in the group are sharing their meals. There have been some great ideas but best of all some amazing results. Their children are eating more vegetables than ever, they are trying new foods (ok, they might not have enjoyed them but they’ve tried them!), children are making meal suggestions and getting involved in the kitchen, families are sitting together and chatting calmly at the end of the day and, above all, mealtimes have been fun again.

In the words of one mum “Family-style meals are a game changer”!

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