Of course it is! You didn’t think I was going to get through an A to Z of family mealtimes and not mention meal planning did you?!
Doing some meal planning will take a huge amount of the pressure off at mealtimes:
No more dreading the question “What’s for dinner?”
You’ll know what you’re cooking each day and can calmly prepare and serve the meals so that you’re at your best to deal with whatever might happen at the table
You’ll be eating a wider range of meals – no more being stuck in a rut eating the same meals week-in, week-out and getting bored of eating – which in turn means you’ll be eating better/more healthily
Your little one will be exposed to a greater variety of foods, which is one of the best ways to both prevent and deal with fussy eating
There’ll be fewer trips to the shops
You’ll save time and money as well as reduce your food waste
And you’ll lower your stress levels.
I’m here to help if you need some support to get started.