Why I love cooking

Seasoned with love and joy

Not many things keep me awake at night, but food does. It keeps me awake because I’m thinking about recipe ideas, coming up with ways to make the most of the food I buy and wondering what I can do with ingredients or recipes that have inspired me!

Cooking, for me, is a way to relax, to be mindful and is my creative outlet. Being in the kitchen with my children is a way to spend quality time with them and they get a buzz from learning new skills. 

Cooking is something I really enjoy (though I do have the odd day when I really can’t be bothered) and the kitchen is my safe place. 

Cooking and feeding my family is a way for me to show them just how much I care for them. My dishes are seasoned not only with salt and pepper but also with love and joy. They taste better that way!