Mealtimes can be quality family time

Baked chicken and black bean rice

Mealtimes aren’t full of laughter and chatter every night (hello real life!) but the majority of the time and even after meltdowns, when we have them, we come together to chat, laugh and share food. It’s about grabbing some family time whilst we can after school, work, clubs and generally being ships passing in the night. 

I look forward to us all sitting around the table for dinner and, at the weekends, for family breakfast. It’s been a positive to come out of lockdown for our family. We used to eat together at the weekend but routines didn’t allow for it to happen very often in the week. But now we can eat together every night and it has made a huge difference to us. 

There is the passing of dishes and fighting over the last pancake, I get to see the multitude of expressions on my children’s faces when they explore new foods, we chuckle when one of them asks to have a photo taken of their plate after careful arranging their chosen foods, there are discussions about random facts, very bad jokes about animals and poo, arguments with Alexa when she plays the wrong song, competitions to see if either of my children are able to stop talking for even a millisecond and sometimes we even find out what went on at school!

If you’d like to share my passion for quality family time at the table, message me and let’s chat about making a plan in the new year to transform your mealtimes from stressful to stress-free.

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