My child only eats a mouthful at dinner

Sandwich with small bite taken out

Why does my child refuse to eat at dinner time or eat just a mouthful?

There are many reasons why this is happening but some things to consider are:

Many young children eat a healthy amount at breakfast and how much they eat at mealtimes reduces as the day progresses, unlike many of us adults who eat a small breakfast and a large main meal in the evening. They simply don’t need or want a lot of food come dinner time. 

Are they hungry? If there hasn’t been enough time between the last snack and dinner, they may just not be hungry. A meal and snack routine can help ensure that they aren’t too hungry or too full when mealtimes come around. 

Have they filled up on liquid? Encouraging your child to drink regularly throughout the day will mean they don’t come to the table thirsty and down a cup of water, leaving no room for food.

The timing of the evening meal can impact their ability to eat. If it is too late and your little one is too tired, it’s going to be hard for them to concentrate on eating. 

Just like with adults, a child’s appetite varies from day to day. They may just not need or want the food. If they don’t eat very much sometimes, it’s nothing to worry about. They’re unlikely to starve but will most likely make up for it with a huge breakfast!

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