Mealtime support session

Family mealtimes support hour

Imagine a day when you’re feeling calmer, less stressed and thinking that mealtimes can be enjoyable family time.  
Imagine a day when you know that you’ve already made some positive changes at mealtimes and that your fussy eater is willing to start exploring foods with you.  
Imagine a day when you see your child eat more or put a new food in their mouth.  
Imagine a day when your child is enjoying being at the dinner table. 
Imagine a day when your child is eating a meal which today you cannot even dream of them eating.  
Imagine a day when you’re wondering what all the stress and heartache that you’re experiencing right now has gone.  

With my help in a mealtime support session, you’ll no longer need to imagine this. You’ll be feeling like a huge weight has been lifted, empowered to make the change you and your family would like, confident that you can enjoy stress-free meals and looking forward to some quality family time around the dinner table.