Will they grow out of the fussy eating?

A loving pancake and fruit
Are you crossing your fingers and hoping your child’s fussy eating will go away, that like many have maybe told you, they’ll just grow out of it? ⁠
Whilst it’s true, many children can move on with time and their eating improve with age. It can take years though.
But you’re at your wits end now. How much longer can you cope with the stresses and strains of mealtimes? Wouldn’t you like to enjoy mealtimes with your family instead of dread them?
How you handle this phase can determine how severe and how long it will last. Given the right approaches, techniques and language, you can support your fussy eater to develop their love of food much quicker than they could achieve on their own. 
Feel confident that you know how to support your child in a way that is going to work for your family and that there’ll, very soon, be light at the end of the tunnel when you join me for a How to feed your fussy eater course or book a one-hour mealtime support session.

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