Every so often I can’t face time at the hob. Maybe I’ve had a day of it, I have a headache, I’m shattered, or I simply couldn’t be bothered to cook. What do we eat?
Well, I ditch the meal in my plan and later that evening whilst watching TV I rejig a few things so that the food I’d bought for it don’t go to waste.
I grab my phone and take a look at the list of things in the freezer. Thank you me from a fair few weeks back for cooking extra chilli (or other meal) because that homemade ready meal gets me out of a bind. If there isn’t quite enough for us all, an extra tin of beans in the cupboard and a rummage in the fridge might produce a spare pepper to make it go further. Serve it with rice and possibly a quick salsa and everyone is happy.
I could spend a fortune on a takeaway, serve the kids beans on toast and we have a bowl of cereal later, but would I be as content with that meal? I doubt it.
A little bit of organisation, regular batch cooking as well as a thoughtfully stocked store cupboard will come to your rescue time and time again.