Have you been thinking that the timing of the How to feed your fussy eater online programme doesn’t work for you?
I’ve timed each term of my online course around the school terms because I’ve found that it is easier for mums to find the time to join me whilst the children are at school. Trying to attend a course during the school holidays is just a ball too many to have to juggle. And they never start in the first week back after a break because that’s something you can definitely do without that week!
Using Facebook as the platform for delivering the online programme also helps because you can access the content when it suits, if you aren’t able to make the live sessions. But I understand that when you’ve invested in a course, you want to know you’re getting value for money and that usually means that you’re there when it’s happening and getting involved as much as possible.
If the timings of the group sessions don’t work for you and you don’t think that you’ll be able to fully commit when left to your own devices to interact with the lives and respond to the daily info posts, then perhaps a 121 course would be a better option?
You get all the benefits of the group programme but with a completely tailored service as well as sessions and support at times that suit you (and your partner).
Drop me a message if this is an option you’d like to explore. My calendar is always open for 121 clients, no need to wait for the next term to come around (BTW, the next term starts 3 May) or miss out because the timings just don’t work.