Reducing fussy eating induced stress

Hannah Currant
Have you heard of EFT (or tapping)? It was on my radar a while ago when my son was taught some tapping at school, but I hadn’t understood how it worked or how he was to use it. He quickly gave up on what it turns out is a really powerful self-help tool. 
I recently experienced it for myself and wow! It is MAGIC! 
It is one of those things that you have to see to believe. If I told you that you could tap on various points of your face and body and you would be able to relieve anxiety, stress, pain, fear, mental and emotional blocks to what you’d like to achieve then I am sure you wouldn’t believe me.
I didn’t believe it either until I tried it…and it worked. Instantly! Not only does it have rapid results, it has lasting results. 
Hannah Currant is an EFT practitioner and specialises working with anxious children. I’m really grateful to her for joining me on my How to feed your fussy eater online programme and excited that she’s going to be sharing with us all the power of tapping. 
She’ll be explaining what it is and how it works (there’s science behind the magic!), taking us through a demonstration, using me as a guinea pig, and talking to us about how tapping can help reduce our stress around mealtimes.
It’s a quick and easy technique we can all use to cope with those feelings of dread that we get before we sit down to the table, or to keep the stress at bay when our children refuse to eat and to relieve us of the anxiety we constantly feel about our children not eating enough or not getting enough nutrients. 

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