A loving pancake and fruitMy mealtime support sessions are designed to support you to create healthier, happier, stress-free family mealtimes, reducing the frustrations, anxiety and upset experienced by both you and your child as a result of fussy eating.

By getting to know you and your family, I’m able to consider which approaches are going to work best and help you to put them into practice in a way which suits you and your child, fits with your family dynamics, your lifestyle and routines as well as your environment. This means that the approaches and techniques you learn with me are going to lead to changes you can confidently make and stick with long term. 

Take a look at what people have been saying about my courses.

Here’s how you can work with me:

Mealtime support session

H & A with muffinsDuring the support session we’ll take a deep dive into your current mealtime challenges such as a limited range of accepted foods, fear of trying new foods, a heavy reliance on snacks, refusal to sit at the table, not eating evening meals or having to cook several meals each night.

You’ll have one hour to bend my ear, ask your questions and share your concerns. I’ll offer my advice and give you a plan to put into action to make some positive steps towards transforming your mealtimes.

The support is completely tailored to you. I’ll send you a questionnaire ahead of the session to get some background information and so that we can make best use of our hour together. 

At the end of our session, you’ll feel reassured that there’s light at the end of the tunnel, certain that you know what you’re going to do and confident that it will work for your family.

And, after the session, if you have any questions, are having any wobbles and, most importantly, want to celebrate your successes, I’m at the end of a phone, email or message! 

This session is delivered via video call at a time that suits you.

Cost: £95


If you’re not quite ready to work with me, visit my online shop to access a number of self-service resources.

Sarah’s course was really helpful and great value for money. Sarah is so helpful and always on hand with any questions. I feel like we’re better equipped to encourage our children to eat well now. The best thing is we’re eating so much better now we’re not planning our meals around what a fussy toddler will eat.

For family mealtime tips and support as well as to be kept up to date on events, workshops and courses, subscribe to my newsletter using the form in the black bar below.

Bookings are non-refundable if cancellation is received within fourteen days of a course or event.

When buying, your attention is drawn to the terms and conditions of supply.