“Following Sarah’s advice, I was able to stick to doing just my weekly shop and I started using up the food we already had. I managed to save money on my weekly shop within a few weeks. Holiday, here we come!”

Heather’s challenges

Heather was not only strapped for time to cook in the evenings, but also needed to save money and stop wasting the food she was buying. So much was needlessly ending up in the food waste (she didn’t know, for example, that it was ok to freeze the bagels she wasn’t able to eat right away).

How we overcame them

Heather has learned to plan her meals around what’s left in the cupboards and has gained the confidence to try new recipes. She has saved money on her weekly shop and the food that was going to waste is now eaten or stored for future use. An added bonus is that Heather is feeling a lot less stressed about shopping and cooking and is enjoying being in the kitchen.

Next step

Heather is going to learn to cook Middle-Eastern inspired food with me.