More of an assembly of goodies than a recipe, using ingredients that can usually be found in my freezer; a batch-cooked dhal and a naan from the supermarket or local Asian shop. Serve with a good dollop of mango chutney, lime pickle or raita.

Serves 1

Ingredients Equipment to have ready
1 large plain naan or a smaller naan split in half* Toastie maker
Sunflower oil Sharp knife
1 portion dhal Pastry brush or kitchen towel


  1. You don’t really need me to tell you how to make a toastie but…pre-heat the toastie maker.
  2. Cut the naan into two squares to fit the toastie maker.
  3. Brush the toastie maker lightly with oil to prevent the naan sticking, using a pastry brush, or very carefully with some kitchen towel.
  4. Lay down the first piece of naan in the toastie maker, spoon in some dhal and lay the other piece of naan on top.
  5. Close the toastie maker and cook until sealed, hot and crispy.

*I like the Riya brand of naan, available in Asda. They’re really quite large and perfect for a dhal naan toastie!