My star ingredient: Sumac

Su what?

Sumac: a Middle-Eastern ground spice that comes from a berry which grows on a wild bush around many parts of the Mediterranean and Middle-East, in particular, in Iran where it is widely used as a condiment alongside salt and pepper.

It has a deep red colour and a sour, astringent flavour, similar to lemon, so much so, it’s often used in place of the fruit. When cooking for children or looking to reduce your salt intake, it’s a good spice to use as a salt replacement since it has so much flavour to counterbalance the reduced or removed salt.

It goes very well with vegetables, cheese, chicken, lamb and fish. It can be used in rubs or marinades, added to a salad or stew or sprinkled over roast meats and fish at the end of cooking. I love to coat halloumi in it before frying or grilling it. Try sprinkling some on your houmous too!

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